Coronavirus, Autoimmune Disorders & Big Changes Coming!

Hi, lovely people! 

Welcome to my first official blog post!

It's currently March 23rd, 2020. I'm sitting at my kitchen table, taking a break from listening to the news about the Coronavirus. (What a shit storm this all is. I am hoping and praying that all of this is over soon)

This stress about COVID-19 certainly isn't helping my relatively new autoimmune diseases I've been diagnosed with. If you follow me on social media, I recently posted about being diagnosed with Hashimoto's, an underachieve thyroid disorder. Just last week, I was also diagnosed with SIBO. Mix the 2 together and I am dealing with constant fatigue, deep joint pain, brain fog, and extreme gastrointestinal distress that makes me extremely sick just about anytime I eat something. But, I am hopeful that everything has been diagnosed properly now and I am at the peak of all of this and on the road to healing and getting the mass amounts of inflammation out of my body! 

After being diagnosed with all...

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