Bravo! You've made it deep in our archives!

Along with detailing the products and services we offer, we thought it would be helpful to share some of the marketing and advertising resources we particularly dig. Enjoy sifting through a few of our favorite things.


The Kristen Smith Marketing Team

Kajabi is what we use and recommend! 

This platform has it ALL and a 28-day FREE trial to boot!

I'll Try It!
Another one of our clients favorites! 

User-friendly and offers a 14-day FREE trial as well! 

I'll Give It a Try.
Struggle with writing coherent copy?

Headlines, ads, email sequences, or something else, this is a huge help!

Hell Yes!
So you wanna build a functioning funnel? 


Kristen used this when she first started learning the funnel-building basics!

Can't Hurt!